Thursday, September 13, 2007

Flying Saucer

It can get windy in Saratoga Springs. During a storm the other day (September 2007) it was up to 60 mph.

Normally we keep our trampoline staked down but... yeah... as you can see it was not on this particular day.

I am happy to report that is now back in it's appropriate position in the back yard and properly secured to the ground.

We're lucky, I guess, that our "flying saucer" didn't take down any cats, dogs, small children, or storage sheds that night. When I chased it down and drug it back to the photographed position, it was 9/10 of the way to the house in the background. Fortunately it didn't figure out how to "bounce" itself or I would likely have been pulling it off of someone's roof.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Reaction

Kids have got to be the funniest creatures on the planet! If it weren't for my goofy little kids, I would be the grumpiest person on earth. But how can I possibly have a frown with them around?

Will and I told them about the baby last night and they all had very different reactions than I expected. Kassie's first words were, "Dad, we need to get a baby swing." Probably indicating that she wasn't going to share her new swing that we hung from the deck a few days ago. Mason and Christopher started spouting out names. Christopher wants to name "him" Chris Jr. and Mason suggested we name "him" Mom Jr. I can see it now! These are my sons: Christopher, Mason and Mom Jr.
I kept pushing the subject on Kassie throughout dinner, because I didn't feel she was adequately excited and I got nothing! Then, on the ride home, in one last desperate attempt to get her revved up, I said, "Kassie. Did you know that mom has a baby in her tummy?" To this she repeated with a scrunched up nose, "You have a baby in your tummy?" My reply, "Yep." Then she looked at me as if she had new understanding and said, "Oh." and put her head phones on and continued watching her "mermaid movie" like there was nothing else going on in the world. She'll come around...righhhhttt?
On the other hand, Mason's overexcited. He was spouting off all kinds of pregnancy scenario's on the way home, which makes me wonder what he's really learning in Public School! He told me about a woman that was trying to get away from a flood so she climbed a tree and had her baby up there! Hahaha! What a weirdo! Mason that is...and also the tree woman was kind of a weird story too.
Christopher is excited too! He experienced a natural sugar rush that made us all fear for our lives. Then he started a stroll down memory lane, reminding us how him and Mason said they were going to marry Kassie. Then I remembered Mason explaining to Tammy (one of my mother in laws) that he had to marry Kassie, cuz his mom was already married to his dad.
Funny, Funny kids!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Another little Munnkey

Yes...There is soon to be another little Munnkey jumping on our bed. Hugh Jack Munn is due to arrive around the 10th of April next year. (If you don't get the joke, Hugh Jackman is my favorite actor. Get it? Hugh Jack Munn!) We are so excited! And no, I didn't lie to you Sue! I started getting sick the day after I got back from the Miss Elko County Pageant (Yeah Brit!!), and that's when I began to suspect I had the flu, and after it didn't go away, I began to suspect Hughie was causing it. I've had a really bad cold on top of my morning sickness so all my neighbors just think I have the plague, because of my hacking, puking and paleness. It has been a fun last four weeks!
It has been so hard not to tell Kassie! She absolutely loves babies! The other day we were in McDonald's and this woman had a teeny, tiny newborn and Kassie just went crazy! This is how our conversation went:

Kassie: Oooohhhh! Look at that baaaabbby mom! It's so tiny and cute!
Me: Oh! It is!!
Kassie: Ohhhh!!! I want a baby!

Me: I do too!

Kassie: (with a thoughtful expression on her barely 4 year old face) We should tell dad to get us a baby!

As you can imagine...I almost snorted Diet Coke out my nose and it sent me into a coughing fit in the middle of Mickey D's! It was so funny cuz she was sooo serious! That's my girl!! I mean kitty!

....It is official now! We went to the doctor and heard Hughie's little heartbeat today (9/11/07). He is supposedly going to make an appearance on the 7th of April.