Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emma, Sweet Emma

I'm sure everyone knows that these days the majority of our time is occupied by Emma Anne and other Emma-related pursuits. She is worth it though! What a wonderful girl she is :)

She is smiling and laughing a lot now and just super cute pretty much 24 hours a day (just ask us at 4am, we'll tell you). The little whippersnapper is growing at an alarming rate (which we are thankful for) but I think we will have to budget a significant portion of our annual income to new clothes for Emma. She has already outgrown TWO SIZES of baby clothes!

No more promises about regular blog updates! We'll just take it one post at a time :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Now Publishing MunnKEY Moments From My iGoogle Page

Here's hoping it works nicely! If this doesn't work I'll probably give up on ever posting anything here and remove any evidence that this blog ever existed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Best of Intentions

Okay, apology time.

I really did plan to contribute to this blog on a weekly basis but you know that feeling? Like no matter what you do, no matter how active you are, some things still don't get done?

Yeah, that has been my life for the last few months. We went on vacation for a week in September and when we came back the craziness ensued. I took a new job, then there was Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then most of the family was sick for a week or two... crazy I tell ya!

Anyway, I'll make an effort to poke in here a little more often if anyone is still reading this. Don't give up hope!

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures posted on the new site. If you didn't get an invitation and need one, email me.