Thursday, December 22, 2011

Journal Entry 5/30/07

The following is an actual conversation I had with my boys, both 8 at the time. A friend of mine, Aubrey Wursten, reminded me of it by something she wrote on Facebook. It says:

I always am reminded to write by my children. They are just the cutest and funniest things in the whole world!!
Kassie (3) thinks that she's a kitty and runs around on all 4's meowing. She does this even in public. She also likes to say how CUTE everything is! For example: "It's a cute little bloody!" when she has a bloody nose.
The child that most inspired me to write tonight was Mason, though. We were sitting at the table; Mason (8), Christopher (almost 9) and I. I was gagging down our little cardboard pizza, and Christopher was telling me he had Rib for lunch today. I foolishly tried to explain that it had to come from some sort of animal and here is the result!
MASON: It could've come from a human too.
ME: I'm pretty sure It's illegal to eat human ribs.
MASON: Well, if it isn't it should be.
ME: It IS illegal.
MASON: What if they're already dead?
ME: Still, we don't eat other Humans. It's called cannibalism.
CHRIS: We eat cows and stuff though.
ME: They're animals. We're humans. It's not the same as eating your own kind.
MASON: (With a very serious expression) Now I know why we bury people.... So other people don't go around eating them.

I'm so glad I was able to avoid Mason's tendencies to eat humans at that young age!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Texas Living

I keep on telling people that we just moved here, to Cibolo, Texas. Of course it will be a year in the end of November! There are lots of things to do here that we haven't even got around to doing!

My favorite place to go is Landa Park. It's just this HUGE park with lots of paths for riding bikes and roller blades, trees for climbing and animals to feed! The fam and I like to go feed the ducks and we just took a trip there the other day with this HUGE bag of bread that I had been saving just for such a trip. We started feeding breaking off pieces of bread to give to the ducks and geese and these huge rat looking things came over for some too!! They are called Kapevara (or however you spell that word) and it wasn't long before a whole family had come over to partake of some stale bread. Momma, pappy and wee little baby! Of course we were all fascinated by the ugly ROUS's (Rodents of Unusual Size) and weren't feeding the other beggars at the river. The Geese just could not have this!! The started getting ticked! They started to surround us and snap at us!! Emma and Christopher were the first to get bit. Chris was squealing and laughing. Emma didn't know just what to think. She just looked at it, in the eye, and it decided to go for an easier target that actually had a piece of bread.... Kassie! Poor little Kassie saw it coming for her and she started screaming and bawling at the same time!! Of course this set me into a panic!! I told her, "Drop the bread and run!!" and she immediately obeyed! After that little near maiming experience, we fled from the river banks!

We walked on the path to the DANCE FLOOR. It's just a slab of cement that had a stage for the band and Kassie calmed the hysterics after awhile and everybody had fun making "plays" on the stage and riding their bikes/rip stick around the dance floor. It was a pretty fun day!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Post for the Year

So here I go with my blog entry for this year! I am so good at this!! Last year was a little crazy. It all went by so fast!! Before I knew it I was having surgery and we were moving! And now it's a whole new year!! It's scary how fast time flys when you get old! Emma continued to tear it up through 2010. She is quite the little firecracker. I just asked her today if Dad was her favorite dad, to which she replied, "No...You are!!" That warms my heart. Even if she refered to me as a dad. She doesn't know the difference....right? She's only 2! We've had a few runs at potty training. The first time she saw that the little neighbor girl was using the "potty" so she decided not to be out done. She was doing really well until I (who am of course her fav) went in for back surgery and had to pawn her off on Grammy. Of course she LOVES Grammy, but I think not having her mom there too kinda bothered her. So now we're on training number three or four which is the first one that I have resorted to using bribery, and still the only time she'll use the "potty" is when she wants candy.