Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Emma Knows It All

I've been sick.



Sick, busy, and lazy. That's about right. The details aren't that important.

Just know that I am pathetic:

Here is a fun story about Emma and Mason to keep you entertained for a little while.

Emma's face for "pancake-zilla".

Beware. It all begins with...

Mason's Height/Attractiveness

We are standing in the hall of our house, Mason and I.

He is feeling a little superior. "I'm as tall as you now, Dad."

"No you aren't," I automatically respond. He isn't after all. Not quite.

He looks UP into my eyes, "Yes I am. Our eyes are the same level!" Then he draws an invisible line through the air to my eyes from his. We both laugh as we watch his hand raise nearly an inch. It's subtle... not really.

I awkwardly attempt to comfort/complement him.

"No worries Mase. You may still be shorter than me, but you are a lot better looking than I am."

Meri carrying a poor wounded Mason. Don't ask.

Mildly awkward silence.

"Yeah Dad. Sure." he finally replies.

Emma has to chime in on...

Mason's Horrible Deformity

"Nuh-uh Dad!" she pipes in loudly

"That's nice of you to say, sweetie." I say, slightly embarrassed.

Then, secretively, she beckons to me. I lean down and her tiny lips breathe hotly and directly into my eardrum:

"Trust me, Dad! Mason has hair in his armpits. I've SEEN it!"

I regard her very seriously for a moment. That moment lasts about 2 seconds before I can't hold in the laughter any longer.

Side Trip: Chris's New Mountain Bike

Chris and Mason started a lawn business with some neighbor kids this summer. In case you didn't know, Chris never met a dollar he couldn't spend 5 minutes after it came into his possession. We expected to see large quantities of candy and an influx of other mostly useless things since he was earning more money.


He saved up almost $400 for a mountain bike, shopped online for a great used one, talked the owner down $100 on his price, and got them to deliver it to our house.

Super proud of this kid!

Chris at the Saratoga Splash parade representing his dojo.