Thursday, September 6, 2007

Another little Munnkey

Yes...There is soon to be another little Munnkey jumping on our bed. Hugh Jack Munn is due to arrive around the 10th of April next year. (If you don't get the joke, Hugh Jackman is my favorite actor. Get it? Hugh Jack Munn!) We are so excited! And no, I didn't lie to you Sue! I started getting sick the day after I got back from the Miss Elko County Pageant (Yeah Brit!!), and that's when I began to suspect I had the flu, and after it didn't go away, I began to suspect Hughie was causing it. I've had a really bad cold on top of my morning sickness so all my neighbors just think I have the plague, because of my hacking, puking and paleness. It has been a fun last four weeks!
It has been so hard not to tell Kassie! She absolutely loves babies! The other day we were in McDonald's and this woman had a teeny, tiny newborn and Kassie just went crazy! This is how our conversation went:

Kassie: Oooohhhh! Look at that baaaabbby mom! It's so tiny and cute!
Me: Oh! It is!!
Kassie: Ohhhh!!! I want a baby!

Me: I do too!

Kassie: (with a thoughtful expression on her barely 4 year old face) We should tell dad to get us a baby!

As you can imagine...I almost snorted Diet Coke out my nose and it sent me into a coughing fit in the middle of Mickey D's! It was so funny cuz she was sooo serious! That's my girl!! I mean kitty!

....It is official now! We went to the doctor and heard Hughie's little heartbeat today (9/11/07). He is supposedly going to make an appearance on the 7th of April.