Not me, I showered (sometime this week, I'm sure).
This is actually another feline inspired story so please bear with me.
We have a large feeding-trough-inspired cat dish because we have four cats and we'd have to be feeding them constantly if we didn't. We used to keep it in the garage and leave the door cracked open for the cats to get in and out but it started to grow exceedingly furry out there so we moved the cat trough out to the back porch. This seemed like an equitable solution at the time and at first it was working marvelously.
So, we moved the kittenchowtroughthingy back into the garage and that worked out for a couple nights. But last weekend, while Meri and the kids were gone to Grouse Creek (and I was left at home alone to work) the cat trough turned up knocked over and empty again. To top it off there were multiple muddy tracks in the garage that looked like they belonged to raccoons. At least that is the conclusion I arrived at because I have actually SEEN raccoons in our garage on several occasions when going out to check on a noise at night. As further evidence the cats also peed themselves all over the garage which, if you know cats and raccoons, is how cats react when a raccoon invades their territory.
Simple solution: put the cat food in the house at night. Raccoons are nocturnal right? So, I dutifully filled said feeding trough so the kitties could eat for the day before I put their food away for the night.
Time to bring the catfood in.
Open the door to the garage.
Walk down the stairs.
Run RIGHT back up the stairs and SLAM the door because as my foot reached the second step a pointed black and white face peeks out right next to my foot and OH MY GOSH IT'S NOT A RACCOON IT'S A SKUNK!!!
I do not do not do not do not want to be sprayed. I carefully peek out the door. The skunk is high-tailing it for the garage door and Mr. O'Malley (our tabby) meows at me playfully from the top of our car. Good thinking, Mr. O. Close proximity to a skunk makes me want to climb on top of something as well.
Guess we'll be putting the cat food in a little earlier from now on...
Wow.. My dog's got sprayed by a skunk 6 days ago. ;)
The skunks are colluding against us!
Well, maybe not... sorry about your dog though. That is awful.
O' to the skunks, how well I remember the sudden stop of the heart. The gasp of what you think is you last breath of fresh air you'll ever have in years to come. The fright look I must of had woundering should I stay still or run? If I run can I run fast enough not to get any spray? And does tomatoe juice really work:0
Food must be associated with skunks that is when I had my FIRST encounter of the SKUNKS!! Yes, Plural (s) A family to be exact. Picknic, skunks and food. Yep they are associated.
Also a word of advice do not leave dog food outside your open bedroom window with a dog. Yes, the second encounter not a pleasent way to wake up. The whole inside house got sprayed because all the windows were opened. Just before the kids of my daycare were coming.
Ouch Laura! Just ouch!
We went to the park the other day....and this dog came wandering did he stink!! We couldn't figure out what it was at first but then it hit us..SKUNK!!
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