Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Beatdown

A couple weeks ago, I bought HeroScape to play with Mason and Christopher. I set the board up on the table upstairs but didn't have time for a game. Having never played before, I didn't realize the there is a lengthy set up involved and also a choice of several different senarios

Day after day Mason would ask, "can we play the game today, Dad?" Day after day I would respond in the negative. Finally, I had time to play the other night...

I had set up the board in a 2-versus-1 game that was recommended in the instructions. The object was for the 2 players to achieve a certain goal in 8 turns or less or else the opposing player wins.

With my adult brain and superior strategic skills I decided to take on both of the boys in this scenario. Should be a piece of cake right? "Maybe I'll let them win", I thought.

No need for that.

On the fourth turn it became apparent to my strategically superior adult mind that I was going to lose. Fast. On the next turn perhaps.

Definitely on the next turn.

Maybe I had better stick to Pokemon.


Unknown said...

Games like that is one reason I need a kid!

Unknown said...

It is a LOT of fun having boys age > 7. They like video games, board games, card games, soccer, baseball... you get the drift.

Laura said...

I awarded you a very brave and daring man. To challange two young boys is suicide. Superior skills do not count when it comes to games, opening caps, locks, knots or whit's.

The games I grew up with such as aggravation, checkers, dominos, monopoly, life, rummy cub, concentration are phased out now.

The boys will have to teach me HeroScape when I come for a visit. But go easy on me (Like, let me win).

Anonymous said...

HA HA Meri!! What a pain!!